ICHCC®: Certifying Health Care Professionals since 1994 

The ICHCC® is the only accredited certifying agency in the field of life care planning.

ANAB Symbol RGB 17024 Personnel Certification Body White Bkgr

The Commission is pleased to have this opportunity to recognize those persons who have achieved certification in any one or more of the credentials listed below. Each of the listed professionals has participated in at least 120 hours of training specifically in life care planning service delivery, 30 hours in Medicare Set-aside trusts allocations, 48 hours in impairment rating and disability evaluations, 120 hours in geriatric case management or 45 hours in medical cost projection training.  All of the listed persons under each credential category has participated in a peer-review process involving their training program peers or ICHCC® peers, and has passed a validated examination focusing on the respective service delivery specialty area.

Attorneys take note: Listed under the CLCP®, CCLCP™, CDE I, II, III, the MSCC™ and the CMCPS® credentials are qualified expert witnesses who can lend assistance with developing fair and valid care plans for catastrophic person and work related injuries, estate/trust planning, and in performing impairment ratings and disability evaluations.

Research Qualification Statement: This listing is for the use of those referral sources that wish to refer cases to Certified Life Care Planners (CLCP®) in their respective geographical area. It is meant to serve as a locator page for those persons making inquiries as to the addresses of specified individuals for other business purposes. It is not meant to be used for research studies without the expressed written consent from the ICHCC® administration.

Certified Listings