Established in 2013, Clarus Legal Nurse Consulting offers a variety of services. Life Care Planning, Cost Projections, expert for standard of care in emergency nursing cases, chronologies and chart review. As an ED RN at a Level 1 Trauma Center since 2004 ...

Rehabilitation professional with 29 years of experience in brain injury program development, vocational evaluation, and case management. Certified in Life Care Planning and Diplomate of the American Board of Vocational Experts. I provide rehabilitation ev ...

Dr. Klavans is board-certified by the American Board of Urology.

Test lisitng by Munjin Hasan

An Occupational Therapist since 1990, I have been doing LCPs since being certified in 2004.

Doctor of Physical Therapy and CLCP.

R.N., Certified Case Manager, Certified Rehabilitation Nurse, Certified Life Care Planner, American Board of Disability Analysts I have been preparing Life Care Plans for over 30 years. I am confident in depositions and with Court Testimony. My plans foll ...

Retired CLCP 6/30/24

Certified Life Care Planner-Retired


I offer legal support as an MD expert witness for all life care plans and medical cost projections in medical malpractice and personal injury litigation. I am an experienced medical specialist with an understanding of disease and injury processes that ass ...