State: FL

Category CLCP Listing

Category MSCC Listing

Category CLCP Listing

Category CGCM Listing

Category CLCP Listing

Category MSCC Listing

Category MSCC Listing

Category CLCP Listing


Category CLCP Listing

Category CLCP Listing

Category A-CLCP Members

Category CLCP Listing

Category CLCP Listing

Category CLCP Listing

Category CLCP Listing

I write MSA reports, complete submission of the MSA to CMS, and write and submit Amended Review requests. I've been doing this since 2007.

Category MSCC Listing

Category MSCC Listing

Category MSCC Listing

Category CLCP Listing

Category CLCP Listing

Category CLCP Listing

Category CLCP Listing

Category CLCP Listing

Category CLCP Listing

Category CLCP Listing

Category MSCC Listing

Category MSCC Listing

Category CCLCP Listing

Category MSCC Listing

Category CLCP Listing

Category MSCC Listing

Category MSCC Listing

Intercoastal Consulting & Life Care Planning helps Plaintiff and Defense attorneys determine current and future costs of care (health and medical) for clients involved in catastrophic and non-castrophic injury cases. Life Care Planner | Life Care Plan ...

Category CLCP Listing

Category CLCP Listing

Category A-CLCP Members

Category CLCP Listing

Category CLCP Listing

Category A-CLCP Members

Category CMCPS Listing

Category MSCC Listing

Category CLCP Listing

Category MSCC Listing

Category CLCP Listing

Category MSCC Listing

Category CLCP Listing

Category MSCC Listing

Category CLCP Listing

Category CLCP Listing

Category MSCC Listing

Category CLCP Listing

Category CLCP Listing

At Medical-Legal Solutions LLC, we offer Life Care Planning, Medical Cost Projections, Legal Nurse Consulting, Medical Claim Reviews and Medicare Secondary Payer Compliance. Our team is made up of experts in each of these areas, and we work together to pr ...

Category MSCC Listing

Category A-CLCP Members

Category MSCC Listing

Category MSCC Listing

Category MSCC Listing

Category MSCC Listing

Orthopedic Surgeon

Category CLCP Listing

Category CLCP Listing

Category MSCC Listing is a web-hosted service that assists the planner in writing a Life Care Plan. Click on submit to learn more about this exiting new report writer for life care planners.

life car planner login

Locate Certified Health Care Professionals.

Certified Listings

ICHCC Certifications

Our Mission

The International Commission on Health Care Certification™ (ICHCC®) oversees the examination of health care providers and professionals in the specialty rehabilitative areas of life care planning, Medicare Set-aside allocation development, geriatric care management and medical cost projections. The ongoing actions of the ICHCC® in support of this mission include:

  • Developing, reviewing, and researching standards for life care planning, Medicare Set-aside allocation, geriatric care management and medical cost projections service delivery systems for postgraduate training in these respective areas.
  • Developing, reviewing, and researching standards of practice in for life care planning, Medicare Set-aside allocation, geriatric care management and medical cost projections.
  • Developing and administering examinations that assess the knowledge and skills that comprise the essential functions required of life care planners, Medicare Set-aside allocators, geriatric care managers and medical cost projection specialists service delivery systems.

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