CCLCP Listing
Life Care Planner and Occupational Therapist, with over a decade of clinical and life care plan writing experience, accepting referrals within southwestern Ontario.
Offering medical legal assessments in Alberta and Saskatchewan. CCLCP and also providing FCE's and vocational assessments
Kim Doogan is a Masters level Registered Social Worker with over 25 years experience in the field of neurorehabilitation. Kim is a Canadian Certified Life Care Planner and rehabilitation case manager with Focus Rehabilitation Consulting Inc.
Website Address: www.dmarehability.com
Website: www.okellrehab.com
Ms. Lindsay Gaspar is a Registered and Practicing Occupational Therapist and Canadian Certified Life Care Planner (CCLCP). Ms. Gaspar is currently registered with the College of Occupational Therapists of Ontario (COTO), as well as the Ontario Society of ...
I am the owner of Lori G. Eisen Occupational Therapy Services, and provide occupational therapy assessment and treatment, and case management and life care planning services for individuals that have sustained catastrophic and non-catastrophic injuries wi ...
MARIA SCARINGI, M.S., SLP (C), REG CASLPO, RRP, CCC-SLP, CCLCP ( SPEECH PATHOLOGY, LIFE CARE PLANNING) Maria Scaringi is a Registered Speech-Language Pathologist in the Province of Ontario, a Certified Canadian Life Care Planner, a registered Rehabilitati ...
Social worker with over 20 years experience in a variety of settings with a specialty practice in healthcare. Comprehensive assessment and treatment of individuals and families who have experienced trauma due to motor vehicle accidents and injury. Experie ...
MSc, BHSc(PT), B.Ed, BA-BPHE. North Bay, Ontario OPTHEALTH specializes in life care planning with an emphasis on clear, concise report styles. Contact me directly at nancy@opthealth.ca
Nicola MacNaughton is the owner of Legatnit Inc, a disability management company. She is a licensed Occupational Therapist and Canadian Certified Life Care Planner. More information can be located at www.legatnit.ca
I can be reached at 416 705-6108, robinkadanoff@sympatico.ca
Canadian Certified Life Care Planner since 2009, providing reports for both plaintiff and defense counsel. Located in Eastern Ontario. Experienced rehabilitation case manager well-versed in the SABS/Ontario MVA system Website address is ...
Website address is: swansonot.com